Title:  Special Needs Unit
Rating 4

Abstract:  This project will help students learn about a variety of special needs.  The special needs topics they may choose must be related to some area of child development, parenting, families, or children.  Students will have the opportunity to explore one special need topic in depth and will learn about several other areas from their classmates.  Learning about special needs will expand the students’ understanding of children and families.

Our thanks to a member of the:

Brookings TTL Academy

What are the challenges faced by families and children who deal with special needs?  How do those needs affect the development of the child and the well being of the family?  How can our society help families adjust to the special needs they face?  This unit of practice encourages students to learn about many different challenges faced by families and individuals and helps them learn how they can deal with those issues. 



Subject:  Family and Consumer Sciences
Learning Level: High School
Author(s): Joline Dunbar
Submitted by: Joline Dunbar






 Students will be working on this project in the Family and Consumer Sciences classroom, the school’s computer lab, and the high school library.  The classroom also has internet access and some availability for computer use.  We will spend two fifty-minute class periods in the computer lab and library on research for this unit. The next two class periods will be spent in the classroom planning their project, working on their reports, and planning their visuals and presentations.  We will have two final days of computer time in the lab for the students to type their reports and to use the available technology to work on their visuals.  It will be necessary for students to put in work time outside of the class period in order to complete a quality project.  Students will be encouraged to choose a subject area that relates to a topic they would like to know more about it. 





Days 1 and 2:

 *Introduce students to the special needs project rubric and go over the requirements.  (see attachment)

 *Introduce students to the search engines and helpful sites in the computer lab.

http://family.go.com/                              Family Magazine

http://kidshealth.org/index2.html              Kids’ Health

http://www.babybag.com/                       Pregnancy and birth case studies

http://www.aap.org/family/mncrseat.htm   Car seat safety

http://www.manslife.com/family/dayare/   Daycare calculations

http://www.parentstoolshop.com/             Parent Tool Shop

http://www.mwaves.org                           Teen Relationships

http://www.help4teens.com/                    Resources for Teenagers

http://www.cdcnpin.org                           Sexually Transmitted Diseases http://www.eldernet.com/garden.htm        Elderly Living

http://www.sickbay.com/netsweat           Fitness and Nutrition

http://eatingdisorders.miningco.com/       Eating Disorders


            *Students will evaluate resources that have the best information about their topic.  They will use information from a variety of sources.  They may use internet, on-line resources, texts, interviews, and agencies related to their topic. 

*Students must use a minimum of three different types

of resources.  The resources must be current and present a variety of information on the topic.

*Students must evaluate resources for quality.

Days 3 and 4:

*Students will spend these two days compiling their research, writing   reports, and planning their presentation and visual.

Days 5 and 6:

*Students will have access to the computer lab to type their report, bibliography, and title page and to work on their visual product.             

Day 7 and on:

            *Students will give their presentations to the class.  They may present it by giving their paper or by reading parts of the paper and then discussing the topic.  They must speak for a minimum of eight minutes.  They must include at least one visual as part of their presentation.  The visual must be educational and informative in nature.  The students must be prepared to answer questions about their subject after the presentation.  They will hand in the typed report including a title page, outline, and bibliography and the visual used during their presentation. 















1. The teacher will give a sample presentation to the students.

2. The teacher will provide samples of visuals created using a variety of technology.

3. The teacher will ask questions and encourage other students to ask questions

    following the presentation.    




1.        Students will be evaluated by class members and the teacher as they present using the

        presentation rubric.

2.     Students will be evaluated on the typed products turned in to the teacher.

3.        Students will be evaluated on the visual they use in their presentation.

4.        Students will complete a self-evaluation of their entire project.

5.        See attached rubrics.



          1.     Teacher prepared rubrics with input from students on components in each rubric.

2.        Equipment to present a variety of types of visuals. e.g. Destination, TV/VCR, computer, etc.

3.        Computer with printer.

4.        Computer lab with research availability.




Special Topics Unit

Possible Topic Choices


Students may choose from, but not are limited to, these topics:

  1. Cocaine addicted babies
  2. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  3. AIDS Babies
  4. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effect
  5. Shaken Baby Syndrome
  6. Rh Disease
  7. Multiple Births
  8. Conjoined Twins
  9. Sibling Rivalry
  10. Birth Order
  11. Homeless Children
  12. Homeless Families
  13. Discipline
  14. Physically Challenged Children
  15. Down Syndrome
  16. Balancing Work and Family
  17. Safety in the Home with Children
  18. Bonding
  19. Attention Deficit Disorder
  20. Attachment Disorder
  21. Dyslexia
  22. Failure to Thrive
  23. Being a Nanny
  24. LaMaze Birth Method
  25. Children and the Law
  26. Abortion
  27. Gambling
  28. Child Abuse (any type)
  29. Step/Blended Families
  30. Divorce and Children
  31. Adoption
  32. Dysfunctional Families
  33. Sports and Children
  34. Prenatal Care
  35. Beauty Pageants and Children
  36. Television/Computer Games and Children
  37. Violence and Children
  38. Overweight Children
  39. Children and Diet
  40. Children of Teen Parents
  41. Teen Pregnancy/Parenting
  42. Learning Disabilities
  43. Drugs and Pregnancy
  44. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  45. Gifted Children

To Record Student Grades for Special Needs Unit,

use the attached Excel Document.


To Excel Grading Sheet